VR for Quick-Service Restaurants

Virtual Reality Training: Zero Distraction for Faster and More Efficient Learning

In the ever-evolving landscape of education and training, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a game-changer. The immersive experience that VR offers has been found to enhance focus and engagement, making it a compelling choice for individuals and organizations seeking more efficient and effective learning solutions. At Smooth Soft, we understand the power of this […]

Minimize your training cost with virtual reality (VR)

Let’s be honest here, training new employees quickly and effectively while minimizing costs has always been a challenge for Quick Service Restaurants (QSR). Virtual Reality (VR) is a game-changing technology that is starting to transform the way QSRs train their staff. In this article, we will explore how VR can drastically reduce training costs, minimize […]

8 Uses of VR and AR in Food and Beverage Industry

“Not a very long time ago, virtual reality and augmented reality seemed like inaccessible technologies. But these two technologies are becoming more available every single time due to the successful app and headset development that allowed users to explore their benefits. In addition to becoming a fantastic part of customers’ lives, AR and VR are proving to […]

Virtual Reality Training Games In Restaurants

“In the midst of high turnover, cook shortages and rising minimum wages, VR training companies have positioned the technology as a potential remedy for many of the issues the industry faces today: more accessible and in-depth training, improved employee retention, targeted advancement of high-performing employees, and, through that, better margins and long-term sustainability.”
